Barack Obama – Fly Murderer

The World’s Most Famous Fly Murderer

In January 2013, during a nationally televised interview with Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, a fly evaded all the C.I.A. security screening and landed on the leader of the free world’s forehead in the White House.

Although the Commander in chief of the planets most potent military force appeared calm it was an unprecedented crisis?

Was the creature Taliban-trained?

If so, what awful nano-size poisons were on his feet?

If not, who the hell had left the front door open?

While these and even weightier questions were being considered feverishly by countless (14) aids, advisors and elite security persons, the President wafted away the potentially world-as-we-know-it-ending winged assassin with well practiced, feigned nonchalance.

But the fly again eluded the efforts of the one-man S.W.A.T. team.

Eventually the President did what so many great military leaders before him have done.

He quickly and decisively brought to bear all the United State’s available might and squashed the enemy in one, decisive attack.

On this occasion there was no immediate negative consequence.

The deadly crushing did not trigger a micro-bomb implanted in the potentially innocent insect.

There was no follow-up reprisal-warning from an Islamic extremist group outraged by the extermination of one of its unarmed operatives.

Even The National Rifle Association (NRA) failed to acknowledge that the President had demonstrated, single-handedly, that sometimes, the only arms needed to solve a conflict, are those attached to one’s shoulder.

Arguably the more important lesson he didn’t teach was that, where possible, it’s better to end disputes without any of adversaries having to die.

And that the best weapon is always a mind prepared to look for peaceful solutions before considering employing physical violence.

See the entire Fly Snuff movie now,
If you dare.

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