Australian Fly Mates
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Australian Fly Mates

The term ‘mate’ can cause confusion and consternation amongst visitors to Australia.

Whilst it’s true that mating (copulating for the purposes of reproduction) typically involves a male and female ‘mate’, the word is also the most common term for a close friend.

So, the wife of your best friend can be a mate but in most cases, will not also be your reproductive partner.

Similarly, two Australian men (blokes) can be mates but this doesn’t mean they are in a sexual relationship with each other, unless they live in Sydney.


Each Fly Artwork is protected by a black, timber frame, a sheet of glass (front) and a sealed back, and has a hanging chord fixed to the back.


All Fly Artwork frames are black.
The background sheet to which each real fly is affixed is PMS Warm Grey 3.


The real flies used in all Fly Artworks are either Lucilia Sericata or Lucilia Cuprina, species which are not protected and are therefore exportable.

The flies are clinically reared and free from the harmful bacteria which can be carried by flies in the wild.

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