Fly On The Wall
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Fly On The Wall

You may well have heard, or even used, the expression, “I wish I were a fly on the wall”.

In Australia there are many imaginative variations on this regularly voiced aspiration, including:

“I wish I were a fly on my tax assessor’s ceiling”.

“I wish I were a fly under the boardroom table”.

and “I wish I were a fly with a small, high-definition video camera”.

In short most Australians want to know what everyone else is saying and doing, regardless of how inconsequential or valueless the information might be.

It explains the nation’s extraordinarily high consumption of gossip magazines and newspapers dedicated to revealing the superficial and the insubstantial.

It also explains why so many Australians like wall and roof insulation and any other simple enablers of personal privacy.

This artwork is a reminder that although Australians are by and large more interested in which popular singer has leaking breast implants than what we’re going to do to improve our treatment of refugees and citizens with a disability, we’re not just voyeuristic evesdroppers and reckless rumour mongers.

Our nosiness, thanks to Rupert Murdoch and many other Australian-grown media greats, is world-leading.

We are ‘stickybeaks’ without peer whose ultimate fantasy is having a fly buzz in from next door to inform us about what ‘she’ really had adjusted when she went in for surgery last week, and whether or not it’ll be enough to end ‘his’ affair with Mrs L. from number 35.


Each Fly Artwork is protected by a black, timber frame, a sheet of glass (front) and a sealed back, and has a hanging chord fixed to the back.


All Fly Artwork frames are black.
The background sheet to which each real fly is affixed is PMS Warm Grey 3.


The real flies used in all Fly Artworks are either Lucilia Sericata or Lucilia Cuprina, species which are not protected and are therefore exportable.

The flies are clinically reared and free from the harmful bacteria which can be carried by flies in the wild.

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