God Save The Queen
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God Save The Queen

If ever there was a symbol of Australia’s retardedness, it’s our quaint national anthem.

It’s borrowed from the entirely separate, distant country with which we love to battle in every field of endeavour, especially sporting, and is shared with Barbados, Jamaica, Tuvulu and Canada.

The early plainsong melody is attributed by some to have been written by John Bull in 1619 and it and the ancient song’s galliard-like rhythm and bog-simple lyrics make it yellable by drunken yobs, obedient infants and similarly close-minded monarchists alike.

Whatever its origins, it is a dated dirge which asserts that Australia should retain its position as a member of the crumbled British Empire,

And that there is a beneficent God likely to respond positively to Aussies’ sung exhortations to look after ‘our’ queen.

To any clear-thinking Australian, the anthem is an anachronistic, un-funny joke, highlighted by this Fly Art piece and its amusingly modified lyrics.

God save our gracious Queen
Long live our noble Queen
God save the Queen
Pass her a Royal hors d’oeuvre
Let’s hope she won’t observe
There’s fly poo on every serve
God save the Queen.


Each Fly Artwork is protected by a black, timber frame, a sheet of glass (front) and a sealed back, and has a hanging chord fixed to the back.


All Fly Artwork frames are black.
The background sheet to which each real fly is affixed is PMS Warm Grey 3.


The real flies used in all Fly Artworks are either Lucilia Sericata or Lucilia Cuprina, species which are not protected and are therefore exportable.

The flies are clinically reared and free from the harmful bacteria which can be carried by flies in the wild.

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