'Save the Fly' t-shirt
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'Save the Fly' t-shirt

You may once have worn a ‘Save the Whale’ t-shirt or had a ‘Save the Rainforests’ sticker on your old VW Beetle when you where a principled student passionately concerned about the planet and mankind.

But now that you’re able to afford a CO2-emitting vehicle designed more to convey clear messages about your elevated social status than your sloganized views on the dangers of global warming, you’re a bit more cynical.

No, let’s face it, you’re a lot, lot more cynical.

But still honest and self-aware enough to admit it publicly

That’s why the ‘Save the Fly’ t-shirt is just perfect for you.

It recognises that you’re responsible and well educated enough to be concerned about the big issues facing the world.

But also expresses your now mature and considered view that probably the least effective means of making meaningful change in the world, is to wear a t-shirt which distils your wish into a three-word catchcry.

Nobody actually regards the fly as a creature worthy of saving.

In fact, if it became extinct tomorrow in Australia, another public holiday may well be announced to celebrate the achievement.

The ‘Save the Fly’ t-shirt is available in three sizes so there’s sure to be one to fit you regardless of which phase in your diet-cycle you’ve reached.

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