
Fly Article

Trained flies promote innovative Australian art

Fly Art, undoubtedly the nation’s most imaginative souvenir art brand since Ken Done began using his brightly coloured, infant-simple designs to build a multi-national business, has created yet another Australian marketing first.

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The Fly Song

It's time Australia took a stand and really made a fuss

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Fly Swat App

If you find swatting flies as therapeutic and enjoyable as do most Australians, you don’t need to spend time and money breeding flies to kill, or leaving a rotting pig carcass on your coffee table.

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Traditional Australian Fly Song

*This is not a traditional Australian fly song, yet.

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Fly Art is indebted to Winthrop Professor Ian Dadour at the University of Western Australia, a World Top 100 university.

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Barack Obama – Fly Murderer

In January 2013, during a nationally televised interview with Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, a fly evaded all the C.I.A. security screening and landed on the leader of the free world’s forehead in the White House.

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Flying the Flag

The case for the adoption of a more relevant national creature.
The image of a simple colonial society in which humans and kangaroos have learned to co-habit peacefully may still exist in the minds of countless naive and ignorant Americans.

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Would you like flies with that?

I blame my mother and other well meaning but misinformed parents. She never failed to mention the world's fastest and aeronautically amazing insect without slurring it as "dirty" or, more commonly, "filthy". As a consequence there were only two responses to sighting a fly I can recall making as a child.

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